FREEDOM 2 is a PREVENTATIVE service providing creative programmes for girls aged between 12 years and 17 years old .
"I've learnt that I can be inspired and I can inspire others. I've loved coming to FREEDOM 2, it has made me happy every time I'm here. Thank you!" (Beneficiary)
Recently we ran a 4 day Hackathon FREEDOM 2 B programme in partnership with Ricebox Studios in a school in Waltham Forest. Students were invited to come together and reflect on the idea of online identity using Augmented Reality (AR). We also hosted an exhibition which took place at Lea Bridge Library in East London where more activities were provided for visitors and the local community to design more elements and AR work themselves, while they interacted with the final AR work the participants had produced, providing opportunities for conversations about online identity.
See the video below to find out more...
“It is so important for every girl to have healthy self-esteem and that they are able to recognise their own worth and significance, so that they can reach their potential. So many factors can prevent this from happening, which leaves girls vulnerable and at risk.”
Melanie (Founder of FREEDOM 2)
FREEDOM 2 does depend on the generosity of our supporters. If you would like to make a one off donation or set up a regular donation, you can do so via the following methods:
Email: mel.manning@freedom2.org.uk
Call: 07976965688